BSB042: Who to Boo

Published: Jan. 2, 2020, 8 a.m.

Today on the show, Jim and Abigail tackle author-submitted blurbs to rip them to shreds and build them back up, one line at a time. Here are this episode’s read-along selections:


To watch video of this episode, view it on Facebook at Best Page Forward.


Author: Liberty Speidel

Title: The Darby Shaw Chronicles Box Set


One call could change her life forever...

It’s not every day you discover you have superpowers.

The only problem: Darby Shaw’s particular brand has never been seen before, and the agency in charge of monitoring superhumans have her in their sights.

They want to know why she’s different—and they won’t give up until she’s tested.

But Darby’s department knows the value of having a super who can revive the murdered.

Training Darby is the task of homicide detective Mark Herman. He can’t figure out just why she mesmerizes him, but he’s not going to let anyone stop her from succeeding in her new role.

The thing is, she has to figure out how to use her powers again. If she can’t, the police can’t use her.

Then Darby will be easy pickings for the corrupt bureaucrats who want her in their lab…

If you enjoy the futuristic thrills of J.D. Robb’s world, or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Darby Shaw Chronicles box set is for you!

Get the box set now!


--Abigail's Targeted Tip:


When introducing a new character / organization, etc. add in some guiding descriptors or context clues. (Otherwise, we won’t know who to root for and who to boo.)



Want to submit your own blurb for consideration? Fill out the form at or send an email to