Tesla Production Raises Doubts, Trump Wants Fair WTO, Oil Traders ‘Nervous’

Published: July 2, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Bloomberg’s Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Auto Analyst Pimm Fox and Bob Ivry sit in for Carol and are joined by Kevin Tynan, , and Gordon Johnson, Analyst at Vertical Group, on Tesla meeting its Model 3 production goal and why analysts doubt that manufacturing rate can be sustained. James Wise, Senior VP at Height Consulting, discusses the U.S. considering leaving the WTO. Jessica Summers, Bloomberg News Oil Reporter, discusses a possible supply boost making oil traders nervous. Bloomberg Stocks Editor Dave Wilson shares his Chart of the Day on why the interest-rate theme hasn't worked out for U.S. stocks. Hema Parmar, Bloomberg News Consumer Retail Reporter, talks about Macy's expanding its Bluemercury brand. And we Drive to the Close with Mark Esposito, CEO of Esposito Securities.