Part 1: Sustainable Development Goals

Published: Aug. 3, 2017, 4:25 a.m.

To quote Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, “The business of doing business is to improve the state of the world.” This principle guides us at Salesforce — as it does for many other companies. We can and should blend doing good with doing well. We not only believe in our products, but we believe in combining good business with good works. In this episode of Blazing Trails we are focusing on how businesses can make the world a better place, and Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, the 17 major issues in the world that the United Nations has identified as necessary to fix. At the Salesforce World Tour in London, as part of the Fortune CEO Series, we sat down with three passionate, innovative, and inspiring guests, to discuss SDGs, and how we can improve the world by achieving these goals. Michael Moller, Director General of the United Nations, is working to fix the SDGs. He knows that accomplishing these goals will create a fairer world by 2030, where extreme poverty has been eradicated, climate change is properly addressed and injustice and inequality are unacceptable. We also chatted with Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, a huge proponent of using the online world as a force for good. He has recently started Wikitribune, a crowdsourced site that will pay journalists to write real news. Wikitribune is trying to tackle fake news by using human contributors and journalists to stem the tide of false news, in part propagated by social media algorithms. This is part of his belief that social networks must have a social purpose. Gail Gallie, a business leader with a strong sense of social purpose, has worked for both advertisers and agencies, in the public and private sectors. Today she is the Co-Founder and CEO of Project Everyone. Project Everyone seeks to put the power of great communications behind the Sustainable Development Goals. Hear about their mission to ensure that everyone on the planet knows what the SDGs are, so that they stand the greatest chance of being achieved.