50th episode special: reviewing one year of the podcast, lessons learnt, and plans for the future

Published: Dec. 31, 2021, 3 p.m.


This is the 50th episode of this podcast and we're doing something a little different: Cody Kommers, PhD student, fellow podcaster, and one of the first guests of my podcast, interviewed me about the first year of my podcast: what did I learn, what went differently than expected, and what do I plan on changing in the future? We also discuss podcasting more generally and use Cody's experience in running his podcasts as a counterexample in our discussion.

Time stamps
0:00:05: Cody's introduction
0:01:37: Why did I start the podcast?
0:04:32: Expectation vs reality of running a podcast
0:12:05: Other podcasts I enjoy and that influenced me
0:26:50: What am I trying to do when I'm interviewing someone?
0:36:03: Who's the target audience for this podcast?
0:43:22: The podcast's format
0:47:19: How could I save time doing the podcast?
1:02:52: Distribution and marketing of podcasts
1:15:35: Focussing the scope of my topics
1:31:25: The future of this podcast

Podcast links

Cody's links

Ben's links

Other podcasts/interviewers mentioned (in order of mention):
This American Life: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/
Lex Fridman: https://www.youtube.com/c/lexfridman
Joe Rogan: https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
Tim Ferriss: https://tim.blog/podcast/
Sam Harris: https://www.samharris.org/podcasts
Oprah Winfrey: https://www.oprah.com/
Charlie Rose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJpyJeynU_E&list=PLf0rWsvaclOIfJaGY9xNGrh9lxLQgD2tL
Revisionist History: https://www.pushkin.fm/show/revisionist-history/
Opinion Science: http://opinionsciencepodcast.com/
The Turnaround: https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/the-turnaround-with-jesse-thorn/
On Being: https://onbeing.org/
The Life Scientific: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b015sqc7
Very Bad Wizards: https://www.verybadwizards.com/
