Dive Into DeFi - Synthetic Assets Panel

Published: Nov. 23, 2020, 10:30 a.m.

A rockstar lineup of Synthetic asset builders and users - Kain from Synthetix, Clayton from UMA, Dorjee from Perlin and Charles from Genesis Block Hong Kong, hosted by Artur from Multi.io. They dive into where the synthetic assets market is at today, what its risks are and most importantly where they see it heading.

Twitter Kain Warwick: https://twitter.com/kaiynne
Twitter Synthetix: https://twitter.com/synthetix_io
Website Synthetix: https://synthetix.io/

Twitter Charles Yang: https://twitter.com/_ycycy
Website Genesis Block: https://genesisblockhk.com/

Twitter Clayton Roche: https://twitter.com/TokenArchitect
Twitter UMA: https://twitter.com/UMAprotocol
Website UMA: https://umaproject.org/