Now You See, I'm Oldschool

Published: Aug. 27, 2021, 12:44 p.m.


Let\\u2019s get tra-dit-ional, dit-ional (to the tune of that let\\u2019s get physical song, ya dig?). They boys discuss the Clemson vs. USC rivalry, the worst jokes Paul has ever heard, and Adrian\\u2019s inability to hide his laughter. We then comb through some articles on the traditions of Indian weddings, white people weddings, child naming, and bar trivia. Paul and Adrian then jointly present a third seggy focused on customs and traditions, respectively.


Caroline Hax: My Indian family won\\u2019t let my boyfriend come to my brother\\u2019s wedding



Judge John Hodgeman: A medley





3rd segment: Keep it or leave it
