Episode 73: Photography: David Molnar (@DavidMolnar) on simplicity, focus and family – BTTDL074

Published: July 14, 2014, 2:48 p.m.

david_8-24-12-SQDavid Molnar is a husband, new daddy (again!), and music and advertising photographer. His work has been seen on Pepsi cans, in People Magazine, & in The New York Times. In addition to the entertainment industry, he is also focusing on advertising campaigns for companies like Cracker Barrel, Infiniti, March of Dimes, Dolby, Compassion and Centura Health.

The best camera in the world is the one that’s always in your pocket. David’s new book and course shows you his whole process for how to use that camera to capture the most important memories and moments in your life. David simplifies the photography secrets he’s learned in his professional career so that any iPhone user can finally take amazing photos, every single time.

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