Episode 66: Time: @HughCulver on overcoming procrastination, dealing with interruptions and planning like a pilot – BTTDL067

Published: April 22, 2014, 10:10 p.m.

HC picHugh Culver shows people how to work smarter and live better. As a teacher and mentor for other experts (speakers, seminar leaders, authors, and coaches) he helps entrepreneurs to serve more people, sell more products, and succeed more than they ever thought possible. As a professional speaker, he challenges people to drop their stories, plan better and take action everyday to lead an effective life.

Hugh was also a professional adventure guide, ironman and marathon competitor, and a university professor. Hugh now speaks, consults, and writes about creating real results and a rich life in the age of distraction.

Make sure to check out Hugh’s Time Freedom Formula, which we talk about in this episode.

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