042: Voldemort: Origins of the Heir

Published: April 9, 2018, noon


Today on Beauty and the Bitch, Mic and Morgan take a deep dive into the amazing (and explicit) world of fan-fiction by exploring the latest Potter-craze: Voldemort: Origins of the Heir.

This 52 minute long fan-film brings us the history of Tom Marvolo Riddle (I AM LORD VOLDEMORT), which we DIDN\'T EVEN KNOW WE WERE MISSING IN OUR LIVES!

We explore some other amazing Potter fan-fiction out there, discuss our anger with calling "no-homo" on Dumbledore, talk about what we\'re missing in the Potterverse, and examine what keeps bringing us back to this world: SPOILER, it\'s because it\'s amazing and we need it like heroine.

SO, follow along with us, and be sure to catch Origins of the Heir on YouTube! (FOR FREE Y\'ALL!)



The Greater Good (Harry Potter Fan Fiction Film!)

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube


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Catch Morgan\'s new Literary themed YouTube Channel - "Literary Darlings"

Don\'t miss Mic\'s "Lets Queer" (video game play-throughs!) on our YOUTUBE PAGE!\\xa0Currently playing: Witcher 3!

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Thanks for listening, BBs! We loooooove yoooou!

