Application Security Whitelisting: Keep the Bad Guys Out - Let the Good Guys In

Published: Aug. 13, 2008, 8:18 p.m.

b'Interview with Brent Rickles, SVP, First National Bank of Bosque County, on Securing Financial Data and Systems Through Application Whitelisting\\n\\n

"Whitelisting" is a new twist on information security. Instead of trying to find a software solution that keeps all of the potential bad guys out of your systems, whitelisting allows you to establish a protection layer that grants access to only your finite list of good guys - individuals or applications.\\n\\n

In this exclusive interview sponsored by Lumension Security, Brent Rickles, SVP of First National Bank of Bosque County, Texas, discusses:\\n

  • What led him to a whitelisting security solution;\\n
  • The quantifiable results he\'s seen since deploying the solution; \\n
  • Reaction he\'s received from bank examiners since taking this approach.\\n