Bad Bookclub Trailer

Published: July 27, 2020, 4 a.m.

Do you wanna know more about classic and popular literature in an entertaining environment? Look no further. Welcome to Bad Bookclub, a comedy podcast where Jade, an English Major and goofball, reads classic and popular books so you don’t have to.

Have you ever wanted to read Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen? Maybe you have! Maybe you opened it up and god that first sentence, “its an unimpeachable fact that a gentleman of good breeding or whatever,” is so long and convoluted that you’re already tired? That happens to me constantly. While I have read Pride and Prejudice, that didnt mean I didnt feel a little tired while I was reading it. I think a lot of classics can come across that way. They seem boring and tiring and long. And you know what, some of them ARE (people don’t talk about that enough). But some of them aren’t! 
Join me each Tuesday to hear about the book of the week! Each episode will include information about the author, a breakdown of the story and plot, and then my own “analysis,” which will NOT be taken too seriously. 
Welcome to Bad Bookclub, where I am the only member. 
Let’s get started!

Officially Launching Soon!