Polarbear (Steven Camden) #115

Published: May 20, 2022, 9:29 a.m.


Well... Dreams can come true on The Old Farm Bus! A hero of ours for many years and inspired Rhythmical Mike to take to the pen & write a poetry collection! A true inspiration that visited Ripley for the podcast adventure & then create with the youth that have been kicked out of school or struggling in the tight fitting boxes of education!



Polarbear AKA Steven Camden is a writer from Birmingham who moved to London for a girl.His debut young adult novel \\u2018TAPE\\u2019 was published worldwide in January 2014 by HarperCollins to rave reviews and his second novel, \\u2018IT\\u2019S ABOUT LOVE\\u2019, published in June 2015, was Book of the Month for The Guardian. His third novel \\u2018NOBODY REAL\\u2019 was recently published in May 2018.His collection of spoken word stories \\u2018EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE\\u2019 was published by Macmillan in July 2018.Under his performance name Polarbear, he is one of the most respected spoken word artists in the UK and has performed his work from California to Kuala Lumpur.


Glastonbury, Latitude, Camden Crawl and pretty much every festival going.
