James Simpson #147

Published: Sept. 4, 2023, 12:19 p.m.

b'Wondeful conversation with James Simpson! Listen to the inspiring story that has helped bring so many opportunities for young people in Alfreton to discover their passion \\n\\nAYUP (alfreton youngster umbrella provision) a CIC that we set up to provide the youth activities the children of alfreton deserve. \\nJames has a goal to raise \\xa350k before he packs up ultra distance endurance challenges. \\n\\nHe\\u2019s done Multiple marathons and Ironman triathlons. 2x100 Mile runs, double brutal Ironman in snowdonia, triple Ironman (7.2 mile Lake swim, 350 cycle, 78 mile triple marathon), deca Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 cycle, 26.2 mile marathon everyday for 10 days) and I won \\U0001f602\\nAnd \\u2018quin in a gym\\u2019, Ironman a day for \\n5 days indoors in a sports science lab at Liverpool John morris uni. \\n\\nSo far james has raised :\\xa317500 and secured \\xa36k funding from alfreton town council, all for youth activities in Alfreton!!\\n\\nfollow james on insta : triple_brutal_james'