Emeka (True Colours) #149

Published: Sept. 18, 2023, 8:48 a.m.

b'Always a pleasure to have this inspiring, driven and determined free thinker on the old farm bus! \\n\\nGreat social commentary & some important truths to consider! \\n\\nTrue Colours is the author of the thought provoking, eye opening, rhythmic Outspoken poetry collection ( available on Amazon).\\nHe is also the creator and owner of True Colours clothing which is where he gets his performance name from as his poetry is an extention of his lifestyle brand.\\n\\nTrue Colours is one of the finest spoken word artists in the East midlands and regularly performs nationally. He is also the proud creator of sytc workshops which he facilitates allover the country breaking down social barriers challenging racial disparities and essentially educating in the corporate sector and education provisions.\\n\\nTrue colours clothing FB\\n\\nTrue_colours_clothing_official insta\\n\\nTrue_colours_in_poetry \\ninsta\\n\\nSytcworkshops@outlook.com'