Have a Gay Day!

Published: June 23, 2021, 9 p.m.

In this episode of Awareness with Amandolin I talk about mindfulness and SERVICE with Michael Knote the creator of the non profit organization Have A Gay Day I suggest giving a like to the facebook page you would be joining the 1,342,629 other people who love what is going on with this organization. We dive into a little of Michaels story including being raised in a Christian cult and even being homeless and how he chose to create something out of it all. The organizations mission to be a safe space and opening and welcoming to all people. To put it simply they do the work and show love! Now go and be inspired just give this episode a listen. If you take anything from it please feed thoseĀ  who need it and if you can't find the time to be of service the community maybe consider donating to a place like Have A Gay Day where your donation is going to help those in need with no strings attached or hoops to jump through! I thank Michael Knote for taking time out of his schedule to give a peak into his world.
