Responding to your recent (somewhat nutty) critical feedback

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 9:41 a.m.


Time for some long overdue uplifting, and constructively critical commentary from you. In other words, let us cross the border and enter the Nutbag City Limits - yessssssssss!  


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Now look, I\\u2019m not above criticism. And that\\u2019s how you\\u2019ve gotta be on YouTube, because the comments feed is something of a cesspit. But, frankly, I just haven\\u2019t been getting the hate I deserve lately. And I blame you. Only one video in my past 30 sits below 90 per cent likes. And it\\u2019s at 89.8 - so it\\u2019s only technically hated. Where have all the haters gone?  Now, the glace cherry on the icing of the nutty cake today, allegedly from the Grand Cherokee Owners\\u2019 Club of Shitsville Facebook page, from a dude I\\u2019ll call, simply \\u2018Trev\\u2019:  \\u201cThe guys an absolute flog with an agenda\\u201d - Trev.  Goodness - I think he means me. My recent \\u2018Jeep/don\\u2019t buy\\u2019 report the other day: 97.3 per cent likes to dislikes. Trev was probably one of the 2.7 per cent.  I do enjoy \\u2018absolute flog\\u2019 status these days - that\\u2019s quite true. Lifetime platinum, double diamond advantage flog. It\\u2019s awesome - straight into the Chairman\\u2019s Lounge at Club Flog. And yet, for so much of my life I was only a partial flog.   And not for want of trying. But then I got \\u2018Dickhead Pro\\u2019 and my life changed. I went properly \\u2018next level\\u2019. I decided to become your next Pry Mincer and Make Australia Less Shit. It\\u2019s certainly audacious. But, together, I know we can do this.  And let\\u2019s face it, \\u2018absolute flog\\u2019 is the minimum accepted qualification to be Pry Mincer these days. That\\u2019s in the constitution.  You can tell I am qualified from my Linkedin profile, which I updated this morning, the better to reflect Trev\\u2019s assessment of my Pry Minsterial suitability.  Clearly I do have an agenda, which I enthusiastically prosecute: To prevent as many people as possible from buying badly supported shitheaps. And I do find Grand Cherokee in particular so disappointing  - because it looks so good and goes so well, and is so capable across a breadth of operating conditions, and the price is so right, frnkly. Pity about the reliability, the ownership cost, and (of course) the emphatically crap support.  Trev, of course, was unfinished in the domain of critical assessment. He was on a roll:  \\u201cI bet he hasn\\u2019t owned or even driven a Jeep \\u2026 the only thing he drives is a b*tt plug all the way up.\\u201d - Trev.  Trev, mate \\u2026 I generally prefer dinner and a few drinks before we go for the plug.  Perhaps we could pre-emptively discuss current events and have a few laughs. Get out on the dance floor. Sing some karaoke. Get to know one another first. There are social conventions here mate.  Still, I do rather look forward to hosting the annual Grand Cherokee Owners\\u2019 Club of Shitsville convention to be held this year (at my suggestion) at iconic Sydney kink dungeon, Temple 22, where I sincerely hope Grand Cherokee club members will get a different taste of pain and denial - at a somewhat lower cost, and without the public humiliation they are so used to. So that\\u2019s nice.  The late, great Chrissy Amphlett, of course, sang the haunting ballad of the Jeep owner, entitled so memorably: \\u2018I touch Myself\\u2019. And in Ms Amphlett\\u2019s own words, in respect of Jeep ownership, I think it\\u2019s fair to say there\\u2019s a fine, fine line between pleasure and pain.
