9. Jenny King Overcame Low Self-Image and Now She is Teaching Others to Live Whole, Healthy, and Free

Published: Feb. 3, 2021, 8 a.m.

EP 9: Jenny King Overcame Low Self-Image and Now She is Teaching Others to Live Whole, Healthy, and Free

In Episode 9, we have a conversation with author, Jenny King, AKA, Jenn Jenn The Friend.



Jenny talks to us about her childhood obesity and how that shaped a pattern of negative self-talk into adulthood.  When Jenny hit a low point, she decided enough was enough and committed to make a change.  Jenny embarked on a whole self-discovery journey to get to know herself and fall in love with who she is.


If we would all practice self-love and treat other people the way we want to be treated, we can avoid a lot of bullying with children and adults alike.


Jenny’s low self-esteem even impacted her career.  She would not speak up and take on new projects at work.  She would count herself out for opportunities before there was even a chance.  Jenny acknowledged that they didn’t see her value at work because she hid her value.


Angela and Jenny discuss how social media impacts self-worth.  Jenny, again, reminds us that comparison is not our friend.  We must get rid of comparison in our lives.  Self-love must come from within.  For years Jenny shied away from social media due to self-doubting beliefs.  Now that she’s active on social media, she realizes that people actually love what she has to offer.  Jenny loves posting imperfect pictures.


Jenny’s advice to others who are experience a low self esteem is seek Christ.  That’s the first step to true healing.


WORD OVER EVERYTHING: Jerimiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity;



@Jennjennthefriend on social

Buy Jenny King’s book, Live Whole, Healthy, and Free HERE

Jenny King on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennjennthefriend/

Jenny King on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennjennthefriend




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