Thursday Mar 2, 2023 - Spain - Good news for Air Travel, Electric Scooter user homicide trial, Oldest human genome found

Published: March 2, 2023, 12:12 p.m.

These are the trending news headlines in Spain on Thursday March 2, 2023

Good news for air travellers in Spain! From the end of 2023, you might not have to worry about the 100ml hand-luggage limit. Thanks to new 3D scanners, travellers will be able to transport liquids, gels and aerosols larger than 100ml in their hand-luggage. Not only that, but travellers won't have to take electronics out of their bags to head through security. The new scanners will be rolled out gradually across Spain, with Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona-El Prat set to get them first. Other airports will see the changes in 2025 and 2026. The UK has also committed to similar changes, with most airports ditching the 100ml limit by June 2024. Say goodbye to annoying liquid debates with security!

In Spain, a 29-year-old electric scooter user is on trial for reckless homicide after allegedly running over an elderly man at a zebra crossing. If convicted, he will be the first person in Spain to go to prison for a personal mobility vehicle offense. The tragic incident occurred in Zaragoza last September, and the victim died four days later from severe injuries. Prosecutors have requested a two-year prison sentence and compensation for the victim's family, while they're calling for a harsher punishment of four years in prison and a driving ban for six years. In this landmark case, the Insurance Compensation Consortium has been asked to cover the costs if the defendant cannot afford them. Last year alone, VMPs were involved in 178 accidents resulting in 164 injuries in Zaragoza.

Researchers have discovered the oldest human genome to date in Spain, from the Cueva del Malalmuerzo site in Andalucía. The international team also analyzed the 7,000 to 5,000-year-old genomes of early farmers from other sites in the region. The Iberian Peninsula plays a key role in human population history, having been both a refuge during the last Ice Age and a starting point for recolonization. Extracting DNA from ancient remains in hot, dry climates is a challenge, but the study fills gaps and allows for investigation of potential population contacts across the Strait of Gibraltar. The discovery also confirms the importance of the Iberian Peninsula as a refuge for human populations during the last Ice Age.

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