“About design talent in India” with Hrush Bhatt

Published: Oct. 20, 2021, 12:35 a.m.

'Where are the designers?' is an Audiogyan series that features the top 12 influential Design leaders wherein they talk about their process of hiring, challenges in finding and retaining talent and some tips and tricks for young designers. We are happy to introduce Abhinit Tiwari, co-host for this series. He is a designer at Gojek.

Today we have Hrush Bhatt back with us on Audiogyan. He had come in episode number 47 back in December 2017. He is one of the senior-most designers in the Indian ecosystem who is responsible for shaping the Indian digital space with his simple design through Cleartrip. He is currently working on a SAAS-based product for the US market.

Follow on Hrush Bhatt Twitter - https://twitter.com/hrushb

Follow Kedar Nimkar on Twitter https://twitter.com/nimkarkedar

Follow Abhinit Tiwari on Twitter- https://twitter.com/abhinitial

Follow Audiogyan on Twitter- https://twitter.com/audiogyan

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