XF: The Rains of Bimini by SlippinMickeys - MA

Published: Dec. 19, 2022, 11 a.m.

b"Story: The Rains of Bimini\\nAuthor: SlippinMickeys\\nRating: MA\\nSite link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35753056\\nRead by: red2007\\n\\nSummary: How could he have known, when she walked into his office with her bad suit and her earnest smile, that she would be the last person he would ever love? You don\\u2019t always realize the momentous things as they\\u2019re happening, and so he\\u2019d needled her a little; without any thought to his lost sister, he\\u2019d used his snottiest big brother voice and accused her of spying. Her. His last, best love. \\n\\nUsed by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit."