SVU: In My Veins by anextraordinarymuse - MA

Published: Dec. 26, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'Story: In My Veins\\nAuthor: anextraordinarymuse\\nRating: MA\\nSite link:\\nRead by: red2007\\n\\nSummary: A soulmates canon divergence fic.\\n\\n"She\\u2019s glad that she didn\\u2019t know it would be like this. Glad that she didn\\u2019t know what she\\u2019s been missing, because nothing will ever keep her from this again. From Elliot, from them, from who they are together.\\n\\nOlivia will ruin herself for this. This man, this moment, this future - she will tear the world asunder to have it, to keep it."\\n\\nUsed by the author\'s permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit.'