Jackson Van de Kamp's Not-so-Final Repose by cecily_sass Ch1

Published: March 11, 2024, midnight

b"Story: Jackson Van de Kamp's Not-so-Final Repose by cecily_sass\\nAuthor: cecily_sass\\nRating: AA\\nSite link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32249152/chapters/79927681\\nRead by: cecily_sass\\n\\nSummary: A dream caf\\xe9. A dead old man at a table. A message for Jackson Van de Kamp. Mystery, unconventional MSR, and family feels. It\\u2019s the post-revival Clyde Bruckman\\u2019s Final Repose sequel you never knew you wanted!\\n\\nUsed by the author's permission. The characters in these works are not the property of the Audio Fanfic Podcast or the author and are not being posted for profit."