Astrophiz182: November-December SkyGuide

Published: Oct. 31, 2023, 8:15 a.m.

b'Moon Phases:\\nNovember 5 - the Last Quarter Moon is Sunday, good time for evening skygazing.\\nNovember 7 - The Moon is at apogee, when it is furthest from the Earth\\nNovember 13 - New Moon, good time for skygazing the entire night.\\nNovember 14 - The very thin \\u2018day old\\u2019 moon is near Mercury in the west just after sunset. A genuine challenge to catch this.\\nNovember 20 - First Quarter Moon, great binocular moon gazing time, with Saturn nearby.\\nNovember 22 - The Moon is at perigee, when it is closest from the Earth.\\nNovember 25 - Jupiter is only 2 degrees away from the waxing moon.\\nNovember 27 - Full Moon.\\n\\nEvening Sky:\\n\\nSaturn is nice and high in evening skies and always a joy to observe in the north. \\nOn 23 November, Saturn casts its deepest shadow over its rings \\u2026. well worth a look, or a photo.\\nJupiter is bright all night long all the month, and on November 2 - Opposition of Jupiter, \\nMercury returns to evening skies from mid-month onwards, and easily visible in the west towards the end of the month.\\n\\nMorning Sky:\\n\\nVenus is high and highly visible, and on the 10th, just 4 degrees from the crescent moon. As the month progresses Venus approached the bright star Spica.\\n\\nStars to watch out for:\\n\\nScorpius begins to sink below the western horizon.\\nOrion, Canis Major, Carina, Puppis and Vela are beginning to rise in the east, but quite visible by the end of the month, and even easier to see in December.\\nIt\\u2019s a great time to also observe the Magellanic Clouds and the double stars in Tucanae, and the beautiful Tarantula Nebula.\\n\\nDecember::\\n\\nDec 22 - Earth is at Solstice\\nGeminids Meteor Shower - combining with the New Moon, the Geminids will be very nice this year, peaking on Dec 14, but in Australia, best on the morning of Dec 15th, with a show of about 60 meteors/hour expected in Northern Australia, and about 30/hr in the south, depending on the darkness of your sky, from about 1am onwards. Expect to see some very bright ones.\\n\\nIan\\u2019s Tangent: Hand-held \\u2018pocket portable\\u2019 sundials'