Lecture 45: Exoplanets - Planets Around Other Stars

Published: Nov. 29, 2007, 10:15 p.m.

b"Are there planets around other stars? Are there Earth-like planets\\naround other stars? Do any of those harbor life? Intelligent life?\\nWe'd like to know the answers to all of these questions, and in recent\\nyears we've made great progress towards at least answering the first.\\nTo date, more than 260 planets have been found around more than 200\\nother stars, most in the interstellar neighborhood of the Sun, but a few\\nat great distance. This lecture reviews the search for ExoPlanets,\\ndiscussing the successful Radial Velocity, Transit, and Microlensing\\ntechniques. What we have found so far are very suprising systems,\\nespecially Jupiter-size or bigger planets orbiting very close (few\\nhundredths of an AU) from their parent stars. Recorded 2007 Nov 29 in\\n1000 McPherson Lab on the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University."