#160--"Breathe Until You Feel Your Bigness"--Week of June 13, 2022

Published: June 12, 2022, 6 p.m.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius invites you to balance the conscious need for change and options (Sun in Gemini)  with the emotional need to have deeper meaning and understanding with changes (Moon in Sagittarius). Mars (Assertive One) and Chiron (Wounded Healer) conjoin in Aries to challenge you to heal unconscious and ancestral patterns of anger and resentment for not being accepted as you are. Venus (Relational One) squares Saturn (Structure-Maker) encouraging you to face reality with your relationships and resources to discern how to balance pleasure and responsibility.

Poem: The Cure for it All by Julia Fehrenbacher
Poet's website: https://www.juliafehrenbacher.com

Sheila's website: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.com