Is Your Personality in Your Art? [116]

Published: April 13, 2021, 6 a.m.


What kind of person are you? What are your personality traits and what are your quirks? This might seem like an odd question for an art podcast, but we both believe that it\'s a vital one and in this episode, we get into why. For us, the ancient greek aphorism "know thyself" applies perfectly to art-making and may impact our style, our medium and our process. If you love detail and precision, you may prefer slow and deliberative forms of art. If you like to pre-plan, you may be suited to complex printmaking or ceramic techniques. And if you love surprise and lack of control, intuitive abstracts might suit you to a tee. Our choice of media can also be totally related to our personality preferences - want the element of surprise? Maybe inks or watercolours would appeal most. Love to work fast and furious? Quick-drying acrylics might be your forte. And finally, our process and workspace will work best for us if they are aligned with who we are.


Our discussion takes a quick detour into enneagrams, whizzes past the Myers-Briggs test, touches on the role of age, and wends its way through various rather tortured analogies - all in an effort to spark thought and discussion about this most important of topics. Above all, we are asking: where you think your personality is already in your work - and where you think there is room to bring more of yourself into your art.




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"Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
