Design Automation with Pavlo Menshykh | AG 30

Published: Feb. 28, 2020, 10:47 a.m.

Today we have with us a Ukranian based Architect who is a BIM Manager & a computational designer, Pavlo Menshykh

He completed his Bachelor of Architecture & also his MArch from Lviv Polytechnic National University in 2017. He presently works as a BIM Manager for Savytskyy Design in Ukraine and he also works remotely part time as a computational designer for Finch 3D & Splash Modular. 

In this episode, Pavlo shares how he got into Architecture, his experience in Architecture school, how he picked up on various coding languages and BIM softwares, renting out bikes in Washington DC, Design Automation, Blender, IFC, 3D Scans, Photogrammetry, BIM in Ukraine, BIM ISO Standards & more. 

For more on the episode, head to

03:35 How Pavlo got into Architecture
05:00 Studying in Lviv Polytechnic National University
07:25 Getting into Architecture software - Archicad.
09:00 Differences between Revit & Archicad
11:30 Masters in Architecture
Most people pursue Masters in Architecture in Ukraine
14:00 "You can't learn to be a generic Architect by yourself. You really need a university for that."
15:30 Studying in University of Lubin Poland
Learning European Union building codes.
17:10 First steps in computational design
Coding Language of Archicad - GDL 
GDL Reference Guide - GDL is a subset of BASIC
20:30 Jumping to Grasshopper & Dynamo
23:00 Learning Python for photogrammetry & eventually C#
24:30 Next steps after learning so much coding
26:30 Getting into BIM and getting a deeper understanding of the software.
27:40 Working in Washing DC renting bikes.
30:10 These days it's not enough to just be an Architect.
"Architecture shouldn't be a career at all, it should be your passion."

34:00 Would AI replace architects in the near future?
36:10 Design Automation
37:40 Projects that have implemented Design Automat ion.
38:00 Should coding be included in the Architectural education system?
40:00 Getting into Javascript & web-based platforms.
40:30 Working on Blender & its API.
48:15 IFC is like the PDF
50:00 Should coding be included in the Architectural education system?
51:00 Getting into Javascript & web-based platforms.
52:30 Working on Blender & its API.
53:15 IFC is like the PDF
55:00  3D Scans, point scans & photogrammetry 
Capturing Reality 
56:00 BIM in Ukraine
57:30 BIM ISO standards
58:15 Quick Fire Round
59:00  3D Scans, point scans & photogrammetry