The Modern Developer Must be Security Minded, Too - Doug Kersten - ASW #184

Published: Feb. 14, 2022, 10 p.m.


In light of the far-reaching Log4j vulnerability, it\\u2019s become increasingly clear that the modern developer can\\u2019t operate without a solid level of security expertise. Vulnerability management is not just about responding quickly but should be top-of-mind during all stages of software development from inception to delivery. Modern threats mean developers can\\u2019t assume security isn\\u2019t part of their job and push the burden of responsibility to their infrastructure teams. Doug Kersten, CISO of Appfire, will discuss how the nature of vulnerabilities today makes it critical for developers to make sure they\\u2019re building projects in a secure manner in order to quickly mitigate vulnerabilities \\u2013 or they risk being left scrambling to respond when a threat hits.


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