Securing SAP: Addressing the Critical & Complex Challenge - Christoph Nagy - ASW #196

Published: May 9, 2022, 9 p.m.


With 77 percent of all financial transactions touching an\\xa0SAP\\xa0system, SAP is the backbone and heart of most organizations. Add to this the vast amounts of customer facing personal data used within SAP, and you can see why SAP security is critical. However, SAP\\u2019s complexity - in the form of extensive customization, thousands of configurations, and typical misunderstandings about who and which group is responsible \\u2013 make SAP security a challenge. Hear SecurityBridge CEO Christoph Nagy discuss with Security Weekly how organizations can navigate and address these challenges by taking critical steps such as patching, creating baselines, and developing roadmaps for risk prioritization and more to become SAP security heroes.


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