Answering the How Questions of Software Security - Nikhil Gupta - ASW #199

Published: July 6, 2022, 7:51 p.m.


Nikhil will be discussing the pain points that leaders in the application security space are facing, which can cover how software development has evolved, as well as how this has impacted development teams and security teams as well as the occurrence of shifting left. He would also like to speak to the solution he has found to this problem, specifically being that of developing a community, the Purple Book Community. This closely connects to the final topics he would like to cover, which include how breaches have continued to occur at an increasingly rapid pace, leading to the importance behind why and how companies should be prepared for when, not if, a cyber attack will occur. The talk will also cover how the Purple Book of Software Security came about and how it has now morphed into a global movement by security leaders, for security leaders, to develop secure software.


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