Zerega Blues

Published: Jan. 1, 2021, 3 a.m.


What happens when the spirits push you around?

When you think you're doing one thing when you're doing another

Annie thinks she's doing an art project, when the ancestors shake her to her bones.


This podcast series is a Street Cry Inc production.

You can contribute to this series via PAYPAL at:\\xa0

Street Cry Inc thanks our 2021 backers:
Audrey Kindred, Ron Raider, Ellynne Skove

Special Thanks
Al Hemberger for audio production equipment
Rose Imperato for her ear
Joanna Clapps Herman and Lucia Mudd for passaparola; getting out the word


Street Cry Inc, est. 2018, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, championing pluralism in society by creating works of literature, voice, and performance, and mentoring the artist in everyone.\\xa0

Your contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

"Zerega Bllues"
text:\\xa0 \\xa0 Annie Rachele Lanzillotto \\xa9 2016
audio performance:\\xa0 Annie Rachele Lanzillotto \\xa9 2021

Annie first performed this story April 15, 2016 at The Bronx Museum of the Arts\\xa0 for the "Bronx Women, Bronx Stories" series, curated by Lauren Click.\\xa0 The evening was hosted by Maria Aponte, and featured performances by Nene Ali,\\xa0 Michele Carlo, Annie Lanzillotto, and Julissa Rodriguez.


*This podcast episode was recorded in November 2019 at The Loft Recording Studios, Bronxville, New York, by Aleah Hyer.

\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/annie-lanzillotto/support'