Episode CIV...Motor City Comic Con Part 3.

Published: May 30, 2014, 3:28 a.m.

b"This is the final installment of An Elegant Weapon's Motor City trilogy. One final thank you\\xa0for all\\xa0the hospitality and support The Weapon received from all involved and Happy 25th Motor City.\\xa0It was truly sensational.\\xa0On this episode we feature 2 incredible conversations with Bob Camp( Ren and Stimpy, Tiny Toons, Thunder Cats, Ice Age: The Meltdown) and William Zabka( The Karate Kid, How I met Your Mother). Both shared some incredible, funny stories and amazing insights into their respective careers. Following these chats please also enjoy a very special edition of An Elegant Weapon presents...Drunk On Comics : After Dark.\\xa0I got excessively drunk. And Loud. And I am embarrassed. Please enjoy.A Jedi Ras cut."