#772 Real Housewives Of Politics

Published: Oct. 11, 2022, 7:40 p.m.

b'Hosts: Amanda, Alise, Milly, Nelini Stamp of the Working Families Party\\nTopics:\\n\\nNelini Stamp, national director of strategy for the Working Families Party, joins us to unpack what\\u2019s driving the conversation in the three weeks before midterms\\n\\nWhy Wisconsin voters face such dramatically different candidates in a razor-tight race\\n\\nHow turning out in Pennsylvania can help us fix the Senate *and* protect against another election theft attempt\\n\\nWhat do people like about Dr. Oz?\\n\\nWhy Nelini\\u2019s latest efforts involve raising political awareness via the Real Housewives\\n\\n\\nFollow Real Housewives of Politics at @rhopol. Find candidate guides at workingfamilies.org/candidates/\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'