Unexploded Bomb: Where the COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Really Hiding- Frontline Health and Two Clips from X/Twitter.

Published: Feb. 27, 2024, 11 a.m.

b'Unexploded Bomb: Where the COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Really Hiding- Frontline Health and Two Clips from X/Twitter.\\nUnexploded Bomb: Where the COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Really Hiding | John Beaudoin\\n Pierre Kory Asks One Simple Question the FDA and CDC Don\\u2019t Want to Answer\\n\\u201cNO LIVES WERE SAVED\\u201d by the COVID-19 injections, says researcher and scientist \\n\\xa0\\nUnexploded Bomb: Where the COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Really Hiding | John Beaudoin\\nFrontline Health\\nViews\\xa0144.6K\\xa0\\u2022\\nFeb-03-2024\\nOn this episode of Frontline Health, we continue our conversation with John Beaudoin, an electrical engineer and author of \\u201cThe Real CDC.\\u201d\\nWatch Part 1 here.\\nMr. Beaudoin has been analyzing his home state\\u2019s death database from the Massachusetts Department of Health to determine if there were any safety signals after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.\\n\\u201cWhat I learned a year and a half ago is that 2020 was a year of excess respiratory [deaths],\\u201d said Mr. Beaudoin.\\nBut that changed when the vaccines rolled out in early 2021.\\nBased on Mr. Beaudoin\\u2019s analysis, excess respiratory deaths, which include pneumonia and COVID, went down in 2021.\\n\\u201cWhile at the same time, the blood and circulatory causes of death went up instead of down,\\u201d he said.\\n\\u201cSo what people are dying from, they\\u2019re dying from ... cardiac stroke, pulmonary embolism, gastrointestinal hemorrhages, aortic arch dissections, more than the respiratory, which went down at the same time.\\u201d\\nFollow Dan on \\U0001d54f: @OnTheFrontline\\nViews expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.\\n\\xa0\\nWatch this interview at- \\nhttps://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/unexploded-bomb-where-the-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-are-really-hiding-john-beaudoin-5579458?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=vigilantf&src_src=partner&src_cmp=vigilantf&s=03 \\n\\xa0\\nPost\\nThe Vigilant Fox\\xa0\\n@VigilantFox\\n\\xa0\\nDr. Pierre Kory Asks One Simple Question the FDA and CDC Don\\u2019t Want to Answer 158,000 MORE Americans died in the first 9 months of 2023 than expected. \\u201cThis is a humanitarian catastrophe.\\u201d Life expectancy has also dropped by THREE YEARS. This is happening because an unprecedented number of young people are suddenly and unexpectedly dying \\u2014 and \\u201cyou can\\u2019t explain it with COVID\\u201d: \\u201cThe most alarming rates are the 35 to 44 and 44 to 55. Incredible sudden spikes in death really centered in the third quarter and fourth quarter of 2021. And you have to ask yourself, what major societal event occurred at that time that could possibly explain those deaths? \\u201cAnd it was not all COVID deaths. We have the data. You can\\u2019t explain it with COVID. And so, I\\u2019ve not seen anyone with a credible alternative explanation for a sudden spike in the healthiest members of society. \\u201cAnd the other interesting thing about the data is when you look at who is dying, it\\u2019s essentially the white-collar workers died more than gray-collar, that died than more than blue-collar. So you have to ask yourself, what happened in the workplace, in the American workplace, in the third quarter of 21? And that [the COVID jab] is the only answer I can come up with.\\u201d \\n@PierreKory\\n, \\n@rustyrockets\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nPost\\nThe Vigilant Fox\\xa0\\n@VigilantFox\\n\\xa0\\n\\u201cNO LIVES WERE SAVED\\u201d by the COVID-19 injections, says researcher and scientist \\n@denisrancourt\\n. In fact, Rancourt and his fellow scientists found in their analysis that all-cause mortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed. Here\\u2019s the 50,000-foot view: For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt and his colleagues concluded in their 180-page paper that one vaccine-related death occurs. This 1-in-800 number becomes even more alarming when you consider how many doses were given. At the time of Rancourt and colleagues\\u2019 report, 13.5 billion COVID-19 injections were administered. Divide that number by 800, and you end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths. Video: \\n@DanSkorbach'