Glenn Beck Special- What the Deep State Got Away With While You Werent Looking.

Published: Nov. 3, 2023, 10 a.m.

b"EXPOSED: What the Deep State Got Away With While You Weren\\u2019t Looking \\nThe Russia-Ukraine war, the Hamas-Israel war, Iran and China threats, GOP speaker of the House chaos. Those are just a sample of insane events happening in the world, but how many other critical domestic news stories have been buried as a result? The COVID origin story still remains the biggest story on the planet that Washington doesn\\u2019t want us to shine a light on. New information had been dropping almost every week for the last several months, thanks in large part to disclosures from the House Oversight Committee on COVID origins. We were discovering who was involved, what they knew, WHEN they knew it, and the ensuing cover-ups to make sure NO ONE knew what had been going on. Glenn cuts through world chaos to follow the money. The trail twists through multiple layers of government (including the CIA!), Big Finance, and Big Pharma and winds up at ground zero in a biolab in Wuhan. In the end, Glenn exposes a massive medical-industrial complex that\\u2019s been quietly metastasizing for decades. And the Deep State is counting on other crises to keep you distracted while they get away with corruption in the dark.\\nWatch this special at- \\nGlenn Beck\\n1.2M subscribers\\n147,636 views Premiered Oct 25, 2023 #theblaze #fauci #iran\\n\\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck on YouTube: \\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: \\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube: \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0@blazetv\\xa0\\xa0 \\u25ba Click HERE to sign up to Glenn's newsletter: Connect with Glenn on Social Media: \\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0glennbeck\\xa0\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0glennbeck\\xa0\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0glennbeck\\xa0\\xa0 #glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazetv #blazemedia #exposed #deep #state #deepstate #russia #ukraine #israel #iran #china #fauci #drfauci #covid #gainoffunction\\n\\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to Glenn Beck on YouTube: \\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV: \\u25ba Click HERE to subscribe to BlazeTV YouTube: \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0@blazetv\\xa0\\xa0 \\u25ba Click HERE to sign up to Glenn's newsletter: Connect with Glenn on Social Media: #glennbeck #glenntv #theblaze #blazetv #parentaladvisory #explicit #control #kids #california #rights #government\\n\\xa0\\nGlenn Beck on Rumble- \\nOn Podcast Addict- The Glenn Beck Program\\nBlazeTV is highly recommended by ACU. SubscribeToday!\\n\\xa0\\nBook by Glenn Beck -\\nDark Future: Uncovering the Great Reset's Terrifying Next Phase (The Great Reset Series) by Glenn Beck.\\xa0 July 11, 2023\\nThe Great Reset was just the beginning.At important meetings in 2021 and 2022, powerful leaders from government, finance, media, and business who support the World Economic Forum\\u2019s plan for a Great Reset of capitalism launched a new \\u201ccall to action\\u201d titled the \\u201cGreat Narrative.\\u201d The Great Narrative campaign seeks to use the decay of traditional values throughout the West and new and future advancements in technology\\u2014including in the areas of artificial intelligence, automation, the metaverse, robotics, and more\\u2014to seize control of economies and societies in North America and Europe. The elites behind these proposals even plan to impact the way people across cultures and the planet understand what it means to be human and to have free will. According to the leaders of The Great Reset and Great Narrative movements, by the year 2030, your world will be fundamentally transformed.Together, the highly influential and often extremely wealthy figures and institutions behind the Great Narrative are building a troubling new framework for humanity, one that has the potential to change life on earth forever. Just as worrisome, the Communist Party of China and Vladimir Putin\\u2019s authoritarian regime in Russia are adopting technology-centric approaches of their own to control citi"