Get Out of the Banking System and Eric Metaxas talks to John Zmirak talks about his latest articles.

Published: March 9, 2024, 11 a.m.

b'Get Out of the Banking System and Eric Metaxas talks to John Zmirak talks about his latest articles.\\n\\xa0\\nGet Out of the Banking System, the Money Will Never Be Yours Warns Wall Street Analyst\\nITM TRADING, INC.\\n258K subscribers\\n47,515 views Mar 4, 2024 #gold #economy\\nCapital control and government confiscation could catch you off guard. Nick Giambruno, founder of The Financial Underground and contributor to International Man, sounds the alarm in his conversation with Daniela Cambone. He reveals why it\'s crucial for everyone to wake up to the urgent financial realities we face. Your money in the bank isn\'t what you think, he warns. Are we living in a financial illusion? Giambruno thinks so, and he\'s here to prepare you for the storm. Dive into the discussion for four essential solutions to safeguard your wealth. Don\'t wait until it\'s too late \\u2013 tune in now! \\n\\U0001f4f0 JOIN DANIELA\'S NEWSLETTER: \\U0001f4de PROTECT YOUR WEALTH AND ASSETS: Discover how to transform market turmoil into opportunities with a free consultation. To learn more visit: or call 866-706-9061 "ITM did a great job of educating me on the history of the dollar, the financial markets, the banks, gold, and the laws so that I had a better understanding of things." - Kristen W. \\U0001f4d6 FREE DOWNLOAD: YOUR ULTIMATE DECISION-MAKING GUIDE ON GOLD AND SILVER: \\U0001f4d6 CHAPTERS: 0:00 Definition of Capital Controls 5:10 Capital Controls in Canada and the U.S. 6:26 Four Ways to Prepare for Capital Controls 10:33 Benefits of Gold and Bitcoin 13:09 Avoiding ETFs 14:11 Potential Failure of CBDCs 17:07 Economic Reforms in Argentina \\U0001f44b STAY IN TOUCH WITH ITM & DANIELA \\U0001f7e9 Schedule a Strategy Session: 866-706-9061 \\U0001f7e9 Email us at \\U0001f7e9 Official Homepage \\U0001f7e9 Listen On The Go: \\U0001f7e9 ITM\'s Twitter: \\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0itmtrading\\xa0\\xa0 \\U0001f7e9Daniela\\u2019s Twitter: \\xa0\\xa0/\\xa0danielacambone\\xa0\\xa0 \\U0001f7e9Daniela\\u2019s Newsletter: \\U0001f30e ABOUT ITM TRADING: For more than 28 years, Phoenix-based ITM Trading has been a nationally recognized organization for trusted, data-backed research and investor education in the precious metals industry. They strategically assist clients nationwide, specializing in the different functions that physical gold and silver products provide in a diverse portfolio. ITM Trading\\u2019s mission is to give investors the knowledge, analysis, and lifetime strategies they require to confidently navigate the intricate monetary policies that restrict economic freedoms. They help build each client a custom portfolio designed to protect and grow their wealth and assets during economic downturns, hyperinflation, and currency resets.\\n\\xa0\\nEric Metaxas talks to John Zmirak talks about his latest articles. \\nThe Eric Metaxas Show\\nJohn Zmirak\\n\\xa0Mar 05 2024\\xa0\\xa0\\nOther Episodes\\nJohn Zmirak articles mentioned:\\nIf Someone Asks Whether You\\u2019re a \\u2018Christian Nationalist,\\u2019 What Should You Say?\\n \\n\\xa0\\nAsk a Biden Voter Where He Stands on Fascism. No, Seriously\\xa0\\u2026\\n \\n\\xa0\\nJohn Zmirak\\u2019s new book:\\nNo Second Amendment, No First\\xa0Hardcover by\\xa0John Zmirak\\xa0\\nAvailable March 19, 2024\\nToday\\u2019s Left endlessly preaches the evils of \\u201cgun violence." It is a message increasingly echoed from the nation\\u2019s pulpits, presented as common-sense decency and virtue. Calls for \\u201cradical non-violence\\u201d are routinely endowed with the imprimatur of religious doctrine.\\xa0\\xa0\\nBut what if such teachings were misguided, even damaging? What if the potential of a citizenry to exercise force against violent criminals and tyrannical governments is not just compatible with church teaching, but flows from the very heart of Biblical faith and reason? What if the freedoms we treasure are intimately tied to the power to resist violent coer'