What the Oral Argument Should Have Said - Part 2

Published: Feb. 15, 2024, 5:47 a.m.

b'As promised, we return in very short order with the completion of our analysis and response to the oral argument in Trump v. Anderson - before the Court has ruled. Again, key clips from the argument are played and dissected. The previous Part I episode concentrated on arguments concerning self-execution of Section Three; this episode reviews many of the other issues addressed by the Court, from questions of the nature of the Presidential Election and the closely related Electoral College, to the persistent irritant of "officer" and "office" questions. \\xa0As in the prior episode, Professor Amar \\u201cslows everything down\\u201d to allow you and hopefully the Court avoid sweet-sounding but flawed paths.\\xa0 This episode is posted 8 days early for this reason. Continuing legal education credit is available; visit podcast.njsba.com after listening.'