Torture, Trump, and Tech - A Conversation with Alan Dershowitz

Published: May 26, 2021, 3:10 a.m.

b'For more than 50 years, any discussion of criminal defense attorneys, legal academics, and civil libertarians - as well as staunch advocates for Israel - \\xa0included Professor Alan Dershowitz.\\xa0 Today he joins \\u201cAmarica\\u2019s Constitution\\u201d for a far-ranging conversation.\\xa0 Torture warrants, Trump\\u2019s misdeeds, the life of a principled advocate and his family, censorship in social media, campus speech, the Israeli Supreme Court - all fall under his gaze, and our scrutiny.\\xa0 We also discuss Prof. Dershowitz\\u2019s new book, \\u201cThe Case Against The New Censorship.\\u201d'