The World Turns to Section Three

Published: Dec. 27, 2023, 5:10 a.m.

b'The Colorado Supreme Court opinion on disqualifying Donald Trump, though long anticipated, landed like a tornado.\\xa0 Op-eds, pundits, academics, officials - all are weighing in.\\xa0 It\\u2019s a victory for democracy - no, it\\u2019s antidemocratic.\\xa0 Section Three is a dead letter - no, it\\u2019s self-executing.\\xa0 Trump is out - no, this helps him.\\xa0 America is reaffirmed - no, there will be violence in the streets. Liberals are split; conservatives are split.\\xa0 What will the Supreme Court do?\\xa0 Spend some time with Amarica\\u2019s Constitution and we will help you make sense of it, and we will present the best and worst arguments out there.\\xa0 And - get some CLE for your trouble!\\xa0 Visit after listening.'