The Real Steal - Part One

Published: June 15, 2022, 4:11 a.m.

b'As the January 6th committee\\u2019s hearings continue, the nation is treated to recounting of wild, false claims of election fraud, and outrageous schemes which countenanced blocking or surmounting the duly conducted vote in the electoral college.\\xa0 What was behind those schemes?\\xa0 A so-called theory of \\u201cIndependent State Legislatures.\\u201d\\xa0 What\\u2019s that?\\xa0 How would it further the undermining of the electoral process?\\xa0 Is it still a threat?\\xa0 And where did it come from?\\xa0 Here\\u2019s one hint that should tell you something about its DNA:\\xa0 it is in large part the residue from the notorious, noxious, nullity that was Bush v. Gore.\\xa0 Professor Amar, and his brother, Dean Vikram Amar, have teamed up to head off this danger to the Republic, through a new article which is already widely acclaimed and cited.\\xa0 Today Akhil and Andy (joined by Vik in subsequent episodes) begin a three-part series that will explain the threat, review the background, and then take it on squarely and decisively.'