The Real Steal, Part 2 - Special Guest Vikram D. Amar

Published: June 22, 2022, 5:01 a.m.

b'This episode presents Part 2 of our series on the grave threat that \\u201cIndependent State Legislature\\u201d theory presents to the Republic, and why it is completely, irrefutably wrong.\\xa0 We welcome Dean Vikram Amar, who co-authored with Akhil their current article, about to be published in Supreme Court Review, which is already widely cited in the media and in forthcoming articles by other scholars.\\xa0 This article attempts to put to rest ISL theory by showing how it is wrong from every conceivable angle of analysis.\\xa0 We take up that analysis, beginning with the text, history, and structure of the Constitution, and then through an ingenious analysis of actual practice.\\xa0 We have been saying that this issue is coming, and by all accounts, it\\u2019s here.'