The Amicus Brief - Part Two

Published: Jan. 24, 2024, 5:04 a.m.

b'The legal world is abuzz with the impending oral arguments in Trump v. Anderson in a couple of weeks.\\xa0 In the forefront are the powerful arguments and compelling history that are introduced in the amicus brief from the Professors Amar.\\xa0 We continue to delve into the principal lines of reasoning in the brief, and how they take the starch out for some of the tropes that were found in the media.\\xa0 When you take the history one step at a time it is hard to escape the obvious parallels with the actions and inactions of ex-President Trump, and how they precisely align with the concerns the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had that prompted them to advocate for and ultimately author, pass, and successfully ratify Section Three.\\xa0 Will the Court see it this way?\\xa0 Time will tell, but follow the discussion as we take you through it.\\xa0 CLE credit is available from'