
Published: Oct. 25, 2023, 4:15 a.m.

b'Still no speaker.\\xa0 Is it really the case that the House can\\u2019t do anything?\\xa0 How might it work?\\xa0 What about Section 3 of the 14th Amendment - does it play any role in the Speaker selection process?\\xa0 Meanwhile, we turn towards the other Jordan and see the dangers of insecure borders that are inherently hard to defend.\\xa0 Professor Amar explains how this simple fact led him to insights that resulted in a constitutional narrative quite different from those you may have been taught, and which makes certain predictions and conclusions.\\xa0 Does it stand up?\\xa0 We begin a process, which we will return to, of seeing where it leads us.\\xa0 A sweeping episode - eligible for CLE credit by visiting podcast.njsba.com after listening.'