Secrets, Boards, and Moots - Oh My!

Published: Feb. 22, 2023, 5:24 a.m.

b'People love to talk about the Constitution - that\\u2019s why we have a podcast. Sometimes, however, the conventional wisdom is quite unwise, leading to deeply unfortunate national narratives.\\xa0 Today we address questions such as whether the Constitution was foisted upon an unwitting nation, with the proceedings kept secret for decades.\\xa0 This is perhaps an old question, but in the news recently, we read of state public school curricula wherein objection is raised to the notion that the Declaration and Constitution are \\u201cremarkable.\\u201d\\xa0 So it matters that we understand all these questions - and their answers.\\xa0 We offer some.\\xa0 Oh, and speaking of \\u201cin the news,\\u201d Moore v. Harper is back in the headlines, with questions of whether it will be rendered moot hanging in the air, to the alarm of many.\\xa0 Professor Amar has a nuanced take on that.'