Sandra the First

Published: Dec. 6, 2023, 5:02 a.m.

b'There is no shortage of tributes to the just passed Justice Sandra Day O\\u2019Connor, and rightly so, and this first female Justice richly deserves praise and memory.\\xa0 We aim to offer a tribute by taking her seriously as a Justice of ideas as well as the frequently mentioned deeply human remarkable woman she was. Fortunately, Akhil\\u2019s career has been intertwined with Justice O\\u2019Connor\\u2019s in a remarkable back-and-forth of ideas, cases, refinement, and legal innovation, so our perspective is a deeply informative one.\\xa0 Among other things, we look at the 10 most significant areas of jurisprudential impact in this remarkable but somehow underestimated to the end titan. CLE credit available after listening from'