Now Now Now - Guest Jesse Wegman (Part 2)

Published: Feb. 16, 2022, 1:53 p.m.

b'We continue our discussion of the Equal Rights Amendment.\\xa0 Is it the proposed ERA, the adopted ERA, or the dead ERA?\\xa0 Some say we already have an ERA in the 14th and 19th Amendments; Akhil and Jesse explore what some women, such as Elizabeth Lady Stanton, had to say about the 14th Amendment and equal rights back in the day.\\xa0 The SCOTUS was asked to weigh in on amendment adoption dates back in the 1930\\u2019s - they punted.\\xa0 Would that happen again, should this reach them?\\xa0 And - would it be better to have an ERA \\u201cNow Now Now,\\u201d as many insist, or is there a better way? Finally, Professor Amar is about to do something he hasn\\u2019t done in 22 years.\\xa0 What is so important that it prompted this?'