Debate Debate

Published: Jan. 26, 2022, 4:16 a.m.

b'Amidst a host of state-level voting law initiatives, the Senate considers voting rights bills.\\xa0 Without 60 votes on hand, the Democrats have proposed extending the \\u201cnuclear option\\u201d to some or all legislation; this past week, they debated and voted on it.\\xa0 We have digested the 13 hours of debate and play for you relevant clips, with Professor Amar weighing in on who has the history and/or the Constitution right, and who is playing with facts and founders.\\xa0 A potpourri of Senators, from Leaders McConnell and Schumer, to recent Presidential candidate Klobuchar, and numerous others, weigh in and debate on whether or not the Senate shall, in fact, debate.'