80 Years in 80 Minutes - A Special Live Episode

Published: Jan. 6, 2022, 6:42 a.m.

b'Amarica\\u2019s Constitution takes to the road, as the Yale Club of the Palm Beaches, Florida, hosts us with a live audience of constitutional aficionados!\\xa0 The long-delayed book tour of \\u201cThe Words That Made Us\\u201d finally assumes a recognizable form, as Akhil gives a whirlwind tour of the first 80 years of America\\u2019s Constitutional Conversation.\\xa0 Aside from a sense of the book, you should come away from this episode knowing 20-30 things you either didn\\u2019t know, or wrongly understood before.\\xa0 The audience then questions Professor Amar from founding to Trump - literally, as no holds are barred.'