Professionals Advise on Ways to Conquer Zoom Fatigue, And How It Affects Introverts And Extroverts Differently

Published: March 9, 2021, 8:22 p.m.

Zoom fatigue, or burnout resulting from excessive videoconferencing for work, quickly became a staple in the lives of those who have spent the last year working from home. Depending on a variety of factors, the impact of this emerging fatigue can vary from person to person. According to reporting in the Wall Street Journal, some medical experts say the toll of these video tools might be harder on extroverted personalities who prefer socializing in person. Health professionals like Dr. Rita Burke emphasize the need to set aside time for self care in order to cope with new circumstances brought about by the pandemic. Today, we are joined by Dr. Burke to discuss how to maintain motivation and mental energy in the midst of Zoom fatigue. Questions? Call us at 866-893-5722. Guest: Rita Burke, assistant professor of clinical preventive medicine at USC Keck School of Medicine; she tweets @RitaVBurke