THIN WHITE FUNK : David Bowie 74 - 83 : Mixed by AllyAl

Published: April 4, 2016, 7:47 p.m.

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Howdy When Bowie passed at the beginning of the year it hit me harder than I expected. I'm a huge fan and his music has been part of my life for the last 42 years, lots of memories attached. One of the greatest artists of all time in my opinion, maybe THE greatest......subjective though obviously, its music, no right or wrong :) For my second Bowie mix I decided to explore his "funkier" material from 74 > 83. Not Funk like James, but funky, groove based, sometimes with a Disco lean, but always done in a Bowie ( and the bands he surrounded himself with a the time ) way without foither ado please enjoy THIN WHITE FUNK : DAVID BOWIE 74 - 84 : Mixed by AllyAl Tracklist Let's Dance Fame Golden Years Fashion Sound and Vision D.J. Beauty and the Beast What in the World Stay John, I'm Only Dancing ( Again ) 1984 Station to Station Nice one Al